My Next Chapter 2016...

Do i go on about the last 3 months of 2015 being shit or do i just say 2015 has been the worst year of my life. but that's it, ITS MY LIFE! and its about to change big time. 

Hello you lovely lot, i hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New year?
 Iv had a good new year to start over again yes everyone says the "New year, New me Bullshit." so their wont be a new me because i love me everything about me and if people don't like it well you don't have read or comment. id like to say and hope that everyone one of you loves yourselves too?. because you know if there's one thing iv learnt about myself and my life experiences so far is that you only have one body one mind and most of all one shot at life. yes we get hurt by the people we thought loved us, used by the people we thought was our friends and yes that's hard sometimes to get over but you will because you have you to, i hate the fact that iv wasted six and half years on a man i thought was the man of dreams but it turns out he's not the man i see in my dreams. i don't know who that is... i can go out of weekend and meet people and maybe spend time with these people but the bottom line is you never truly know someone until you live with them... And i wont rush anything again i want to find me again i thought i wanted a family, to buy a house, get married? well i do but with the right person. so you probably know by now what is going on in the life of Holly and i tell you now that chapter is well and truly closed 
and what ever comes next is a mystery but am i ready
 that i can not answer.

thanks for reading 
